Change my View on Donald Trump

Benefitted from family political connections and government largesse;

If you have political connections in your family you would be retarded not to avail yourself of those benefits.

Went through four bankruptcies;

The casino/hotel business is something that is very badly affected by the rest of the economy because people don't go to Vegas or AC when they're broke.

Is a climate change denier;

This is a problem but the president doesn't really have an affect on that kind of stuff, even Obama has been worthless on climate issues.

Bashes China but gets his clothes from there;

Everyone, EVERYONE is wearing clothes from China. Everything is manufactured there.

Is openly sexist;

I wouldn't characterize him as any more sexist than Madeleine Albright demanding women to vote for Hillary or a special place in hell will await them.

Attracts racists with his nativist rhetoric;

Racists are attracted to a lot of things, so what? And his rhetoric is "America first" which is the norm for countries to put themself first.

Had black students kicked out of his Georgia rally for being black;

He himself did nothing. He can't control what some shmuck in the crowed does.

Supports a Muslim registry, even when he says he doesn't;

I support one too, just like if I lived during the Cold War I would support a registry of Communists. It's in the interests of national security.

Implicitly accepts the support of white supremacists and neo-Nazis;

Why would you turn down anyone? Their votes count as much as anyone else.

Is an actual fascist;


and to torture suspects;

Torture is sometimes necessary

Is merely a bandwagon Christian,

And I'm merely a cultural Christian.

as well as a multiple divorcee;

So is my dad, big deal.

The ones I didn't answer are the ones where my answer is "Ok, and?"

/r/AskTrumpSupporters Thread