Cromwell 1st crew skill. Camo or Random?

So the win rate is pure blind luck that all your games were against players not equal to you.

This is wrong. The entire point is that over a large number of games you fight a large number of different players and your win rate and WN8 come to represent how you compare to the average player in the game. The average win-rate is about 49.5%, with 1% draw games, so anything above that is above average. Not because of random luck, but because you're simply better then the players you face and better able to contribute to the games you play in.

Okay I see, you aren't skilled just lucky that you haven't fought any player better than you or had difficult enemies.

Again, no. You can do some simple statistics to determine the odds that you would simply randomly have a good win rate and over about 10,000 games the odds of having a 55% win rate by blind luck are about 1 in 7.03 times 1023 which is around the number of sand grains on earth.

That multiple people could do that, by blind luck, is a statistical impossibility. Your stats are the outcome of your skill and impact on the game, because you're being randomly matched against the entire rest of the playerbase your stats are the result of your skill compared to the playerbase as a whole.

people with the X class specials tanks and all the benefits that come from the gold purchased items.

Premium Tanks are worse than similar tanks of the same tier. They have worse penetration and are generally just weaker period. Also premium ammo can be bought for credits and isn't even needed most of the time.

So number of win of battle rate can be total BS depending on how much gold you pump into your tank for achieving the easier wins. Thus you are not reading the information correctly, only the information that strokes your ego.

Says the guy arguing against some very solid statistics just so he can feel bad about his bad win rate. Firing gold won't make you a better player if your other skills at the game, like positioning, map knowledge, and just general skill at driving your tanks, are weak. You can't just gold spam you way from a 50% win rate to a 65% one.

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