"Crypto is risky you, could lose money".. true, but the average saver, long hodling Cash in UK bank savings account has almost guaranteed to have lost real value almost every day... for over a decade.

Dear cryptocurrency community,

I have repeatedly asked you to stop being dumber than a pile of retarded rocks, and you have repeatedly ignored my requests. There is a place for cryptocurrency, but posts like these -- where the logic is as brutally stupid as "inflation exists, therefore crypto is a good investment" -- must stop. All but the most severely mentally handicapped know that inflation is a thing, and all but the most financially naive understand that you should store wealth in assets other than cash. All you do by upvoting posts like these is advertise the most impressive lack of intelligence to ever congregate on a single forum. I don't believe the community could possibly be as dumb as advertised.

Please stop.

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread Link - i.redd.it