Cuba offers rum to pay off $276m Czech debt

There's clear equivalency, and a blatant double standard. You can't put missiles near the border of another country, then act appalled when they get scared and set up missiles near your country. The US escalated the conflict to that stage, and were therefore more responsible for the cuban missile crisis than Russia, and certainly Cuba.

I seriously don't get how you could see the US as any better than the USSR. Like you're so sympathetic to eastern Europe, but Cuba got so close to the USSR because the US launched a full-on and totally unprovoked invasion of Cuba. You can't seriously condemn the Soviets for taking over countries and then maintain any defence of the US with regards to Cuba.

The US wasn't any better than Soviet Russia, they just committed the worst of their crimes against people from other countries, which nationalism and latent white supremacy makes people view as more okay. But even that obscures how shit racial minorities and leftists were treated well into the cold war and as far as the modern day.

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