Curious about people's perception of the classes. Come tell me your perspective on which class is best, worst, etc.

Best Class at raw DM: Heavy. If he has the gamesense to not pick fights too big for him, be backstabbed or headshot he offers absurd damage compared to anyone else.

Best class at influencing the game/helping team: Engy. Teleporter is the best class in the game.

Best class potential overall: Sniper. Infinite effective range 1 shot kills without even needing to charge v most classes. The only thing that stops him from winning every game for free and this being sniper fortress is no one being that good.

Best theoretical potential overall (if you feel a class has a high skill ceiling that will never feasibly be achieved): Sniper.

Worst class at raw DM: Medic. Engy. He's basically a worse scout if he can't setup.

Worst class at influencing the game/helping team: Pyro. Don't need a pybro if your not a bad engy. If you don't kill with afterburn its essentially free uber. If you don't stand literally right next to the enemy you pretty much don't exist.

Worst class potential overall: Pyro. Mediocre mobility and range make it pretty hard to do anything if the enemy has the sense to not be near you. Can do combos but again you need to be near.

Most likely class to be caught being derp as fuck on a pub: Sniper

Most frustrating class to play: Heavy. I don't even find him frustrating he's just kinda winning by default by being the only class I simply don't like to play.

Most difficult class to master: Demo.

Easiest class to play (easiest to pick up, not easiest to master): Soldier by far. Just shoot feet. If you need to escape just shoot your own feet off the floor.

Most Annoying Class to Play Against: Soldier. Random crick rockets have ended more ubers for me than everything else in the game put together.

Most difficult class to kill: A good engy.

Easiest class to kill: A taunt after kill sniper

/r/tf2 Thread