Curious about this sub's opinion on The Last of Us 2

Jesse appearing in Seattle was one of the worst parts of the story... Like his entire arc was to get a women pregnant and die immediately? (but one of the best levels for combat though lmao). Abby was a boring and dull character and she was irredeemable after she killed Joel, whether he had it coming or not. It's just asking many players for too much, too early in the game. I really think the story could have benefited from having more time with Joel at the beginning. It was so sudden I was wasn't even invested. It completely just took me out of the game and made me think "what the fuck are the writers doing. I wasnt mad at Abby. I was mad at Neil Druckmann lmao.

I thought everything surrounding her was interesting, which probably isn't the good for a main character to be the weakest aspect of the game lmao. Sometimes the dialogue was fucking terrible. Joel felt completely out of character sometimes. I guess I just don't care about story as much as some others lol. I know if I did, like if this was novel or a movie which depended on the quality of it's storytelling, this would be a major disappointment.

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