[D&D5e] Pack Tactics?

I solved that with ItemMacro (and Midi, ofc). Problem is - you need to place that macro on every attack for you Pack Tactics actor. "called before item is rolled" on details page would do wonders. One more thing - macro will use MidiQOL.findNearby based on disposition of the owner token.

// ItemMacro, called before the item is rolled

// We need to make two checks: // First - if Pack Tactics is in actor items, in case item will be owned by actor without Pack Tactics. // Second - if there is an ally near the target, and not the attacker itself.

// console.log(args[0]); // console.log(MidiQOL.Workflow.getWorkflow(args[0].uuid));

let counter = 0; let disposition = game.canvas.tokens.get(args[0].tokenId).document.disposition; //geting token disposition to check its allies let nearbyTokens = MidiQOL.findNearby(disposition, args[0].targetUuids[0], 5, 0).map(a => a.objectId); let sourceToken = "Token." + args[0].tokenId;

if (nearbyTokens.includes(sourceToken)) { counter += 1 };

if (nearbyTokens.length > counter && args[0].actorData.items.map(a => a.name).includes('Pack Tactics')) { MidiQOL.Workflow.getWorkflow(args[0].uuid).advantage = true; // this will still work, if attack also have a disadvantage (resulting in normal attack) };

/r/FoundryVTT Thread