Daily Headphone Purchase Advice thread (2016-12-15)

I am a fan of the Esport team Fnatic and since they have brought out a gear Fnatic Duel, a rebranded equipment from AIAIAI TMA-2. Also comes with some accessories.

I was so temped to buy one. Holiday season is coming and Christmas sale is definitely on the way. This is luckily the reason I stopped myself from buying one immediately.

I started looking around for other headphones. Found two bets on ATH-M50X, SENN-H598. And my friend is selling his second hand M-100.

My favourite Gerne are Choral, Orchestra and Swing/Jazz/Blues. Favourite Musician is Jamie Cullum and his older kind of jazz is what I like too.

"7 days to change your life"
"Twenty Something" "Gran Torino"
Are songs I like. An would like headphone that can enchant my enjoyment of those.

I am new to the field and hope to get a great pair to starts with.

Maximum Budget is $250 Euro which should cover most of the consumer heaphones. I would wear them for hours since I would wear them a lot, while gaming or laying on bed reading. Not planning to take them out a lot.

Any suggesting would be helpful.

/r/headphones Thread