Offshore Podcast - "Some people truly believe Hawaii is the most racist place they've ever been to."

I've loved being a minority here. Sure I think I've encountered some prejudice here or there, nothing overt or "hateful" at least that I could perceive. But all that does is kinda bum you out. You can get that everywhere though, and you cant let losers ruin your day. However, if anything I'd say we've experience more reverse racism. Like there's been a few times where its been obvious me and my family were getting better service at a resturaunt than people of color, and its so much easier to identify when youre the minority. Even though its more rare of an occurance here than elsewhere, It makes you really identify white privledge on the mainland and I wouldnt trade that perspective for the world. 99% of the time though you're treated as equal, and its just refreshing to drop the racial baggage so you can just be. Not to complain about receiving white privledge, if its ever benefited me then good for me I an use all the help I can get, but mostly its awkward empty gestures based on my race that everyone could do without. That shit is weird and no one likes being treated differently because of their race even if it is "positive" it still makes you consider race regardless. Melenin counts are such a ridiculous thing to have to consider in life, and living on Hawaii I was able to actually live without that nonsense and its you dknt even notice how freeing it is until you have a rare encounter like i described above.

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