Daily Purchase Advice Thread (2015-11-12)

Hello r/audiophile, I'm looking for some advice on putting together a home audio system. Recently got my first real-person job and started renting an apartment, and would like to invest in a nice setup to go along with it. I don't currently own any audio equipment and as I'm sure you will derive from this post I am fairly inexperienced with the stuff this sub usually discusses. My roommate during college had his dad's old preamp connected to two Rokit 8's that sounded great for the music that we listened to (mostly EDM / Hip Hop / Rock) as well as hosting pregames and stuff. I was originally thinking I would purchase the same KRK Rokit 8's but have seen a lot of hate about them on this sub so I'm definitely open to alternative suggestions. I need my system to interface with my TV's digital audio output as well as a typical headphone jack so that someone can use a phone / tablet / laptop (that doesn't have an optical out) as a source. I will primarily be playing the type of music listed above for gatherings, or sitting about 7-9 feet away on the couch when using it for TV audio. Again, I live in an apartment so I'd prefer not to have a sub woofer for my neighbor's sake, although a lot of my music I listen to is bass-heavy so good low-end response is preferred. I thoroughly enjoyed my friend's Rokit 8s (again, this is the extent of my listening experience speaker-wise) because they covered a wide range of frequencies well and provided a very true sound. In my preliminary search I was considering some powered studio monitors connected with an audio interface but couldn't find anything to handle the optical input for my TV. I'm willing to spend up to / around $1000 on this system, any help from you guys is thoroughly appreciated!

/r/audiophile Thread