Daily Squeeze Discussion Thread

SRNE is a company working on life-saving treatments that can improve your overall health and well-being. And now, it's stabilized at an undersold price of just 20 cents, making it an excellent value for your money.

Short Squeezing SRNE at an undersold price not only benefits your own health and wallet but also supports small investors. Small investors are often at the mercy of billionaire investors and short sellers who can manipulate markets and drive down prices, causing small investors to lose their life savings. By investing in SRNE, you are supporting local investors and businesses and punishing the crooked short sellers on Wall Street.

A small company was forced into bankruptcy and investors lost their livelihood to the evil Billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong and short sellers. The short sellers are the heroes who punish evil if they help.

Because the stock is facing delisting at 23 the shorts may not have enough time to cover their position so it’s a great opportunity to punish them quickly, make profit and escape in 9 days.

/r/Shortsqueeze Thread