Day 9 question

Honestly, I think you're in the clear. In my personal opinion the days 5-10 thing is mainly a threat to the immunocompromised and elderly in the form of pneumonia or this rare circumstance of a cytokin storm which can happen with any illness. You're gonna feel pneumonia sooner it won't be sudden like some people say. I've seen it scare a lot of people on here (including myself) and I believe the fear is the worst symptom. I had congestion on day 8. My best advice would be don't go to the hospital, the interventions are gonna make you feel worse. Sip ginger and honey tea and chill out, get moving as soon as you feel up to it. Probably get off reddit, reading all of this stuff made me overthink everything... I'm 20 days out from symptoms and I'm just left with a little tickle in my throat, a little fatigue, and no smell. But everything is getting better every day I wake up. Don't be scared, move around as much as you can otherwise your anxiety will just build and build.

/r/COVID19positive Thread Parent