I'm goddamn mad

I'm so sorry this happened to you, it's got to be infuriating. I bet I'm gonna be in your spot sooner or later cause I'm struggling with people coming in sick at work.

Friday our department had an online meeting (we only work on location one day a week thankfully) and one person was clearly stuffed up and not feeling well. I told her I would cover her onsite work on Monday if she wasn't feeling good still and to just let me know. Assumed she was fine as she didn't get with me.

Then Tuesday I had a meeting with department head where I complained people were attesting they didn't have Covid symptoms and then coming to the worksite anyway and sniffling and coughing all day. Corporate was trying to give some BS like 'oh it's more to stay mindful of our bodies and if we are having unusual symptoms, people know if they have allergies what is normal or not' and I was basically like, so people can come in with Covid symptoms after specifically attesting that they don't have Covid symptoms, as long as they think it's allergies? This makes no sense.

It was a horrible stressful meeting and I was worried I was going to get fired as I was really upset and angry. I don't give a fuck if it's really so that HR can track people's attestations and what is happening with sickness in the corporation. My spouse is an Afghanistan veteran who was exposed to burn pits and who already had a lung collapse fall of 2021, not Covid related. But obviously we have been super careful about Covid.

Then that night my direct supervisor gets with me and tells me to work at her station the next day, which was really strange because we were both supposed to be in, why would I work at her station if she is present? There's another station I can use... She's super cryptic and tells me she is just looking out for me. Then gets with me a bit later and tells me I don't have to come into the site at all.

Things finally click the next day when my coworker who was under the weather leaves early. And calls out sick the rest of the week. If I had come in I would have had to work at her station with whatever germs she had just all over everything. My supervisor really was looking out for me and I am super grateful, but also super pissed because I fucking offered to work for the sick person. And we had just talked about this in our group. Fucking infuriating. I'm going back to school so I can get a fully remote job, people are the fucking worst and I'm over it.

Hope you feel better soon and don't have any lasting effects.

/r/COVID19positive Thread