De-tribalization thread! What is something you largely disagree with other people on your side on?

Based on what fucking information? A personal injury lawyer said it wasn't?

No, I'm saying that it's not a real priority in fixing the legal system. It's a problem in the same way that nepotism in the indie game scene is a problem with ethical game journalism. (Not that serious)

What exactly did "indicative of your political attitudes?" mean besides an obvious dog whistle trying to paint me as a neocon?

Actually, I was going for brogressive. You're not all that progressive if you're going on a rants about welfare queens professional victims. Sorry, just doesn't work that way.

If you want to talk about victim blaming (I don't buy that it's what you meant, but whatever), you've obviously not read the thousands of lines on here where I've defended Brianna and Anita from false flag allegations, the thousands of lines where I've railed on assholes like Nero and Brandon Morse and their supporters for fucking trans-shaming, the thousands of lines where I've said you can't accept claims of geek harassment from those who are harassing women, because while they are victims, they are also victimizers.

Because the smear that they are victimizers is literally the justification for their harassment. There is, AT BEST, circumstantial evidence of that smear. You don't get to say you defend victims while repeating that justification. This smear is classic DARVO.

Charitable fraud is the worst kind of fraud, because it stops people from giving.

Bullfuckingshit. It's not even close. Imagine if one of the biggest energy companies in the world were cooking its book sand robbed thousands of employees of their retirement money. Imagine if banks were selling billions of dollars of assets that were actually worthless, literally causing the second worst economic downturn ever.

Considering, just for a moment, that you're right about her and she's a total fraud, the damage she's doing is utterly fucking insignificant compared to someone like Madoff.

We're talking tens of dollars here she might not have deserved. Tens! I'm sorry, that's just how silly you sound to me right now. But I'm sure you'll link the absolute dollar amount, as if literally every dollar she has ever received in the tech industry is undeserved.

Hell, Brianna's taking from her own friends, from her own fans and supporters.

Hmm, how do you feel about Anita Sarkeesian, then?

/r/AgainstGamerGate Thread