Dealing with a new marriage and whither considering a divorce is an overreaction

I think you’ve made your mind up. Getting perspective from the internet isn’t really important and it seems like you just need someone to tell you it’s okay. That your decision is justified.

Honestly, this is a conversation you need to have with her. Maybe she’ll agree. Maybe she’ll go ballistic. Maybe she’ll change. Maybe she’ll cry…she’ll certainly cry. It won’t be an easy conversation. It’s necessary though. Talk to her. I mean, she’s your wife. If you want out, you’ll find your way out during or after that conversation.

If you’re absolutely done, don’t drag it out. She, with whatever flaws you see, doesn’t deserve to waste her time in a relationship where her partner doesn’t love her fully. Maybe what you perceive as flaws are something someone else will appreciate. Another man’s trash and all that…

I can’t help but feel bad for her, honestly. Poor girl doesn’t know what’s coming..

Good luck to the both of you.

/r/BreakUps Thread