What's a thing you'll never miss about your ex?

-Harboring resentments for months without communicating them to me. -Weaponized those resentments against me after a fight we had dumping months worth of anger on me all at once. -Projecting past traumas and insecurities onto me that weren’t my fault. -Tactlessness in a lot of situations. -Drinking/smoking weed/vaping constantly. -Was hot and cold about us moving in together, first he wanted to wait, then I didn’t care enough to want to live with him.
-Messy, would just leave stuff scattered around my apartment all the time. -Not a curious person, doesn’t care about learning new things. -He is a bit of a troll, which isn’t necessarily bad but sometimes it verges on cruelty. -Has to be the martyr in work and in our relationship. -Not very sexual, pretty vanilla shortly after we got serious. -Frequent complaints about life/his parents/friends, often super negative. -Angry in general.

/r/BreakUps Thread