Anyone met their ‘one’ and then lost them?

Cheers mate!

Honestly, it was all me. I was absolutely horrendous. She suffers with depression herself and had her own things going on that she felt she couldn’t tell me so she had to pull away to save her own mental wellbeing. If I wasn’t as bad as I was she will have been able to tell me about her problems and we could have tackled it as a team. I’ve never had a lapse that bad, I was borderline psychotic. I was sleeping 2-3 hours every 7-9 days. I’m not sure how it’s possible but that’s genuinely what it was like. After day 6-7 I was hallucinating just from the sleep deprivation and after 2-3 stints of that I was probably the most paranoid person on earth. I accused her of all kinds of horrible things and all she was guilty of was trying her best to support me. She doesn’t have Reddit btw so I’m not just saying that I’m hopes she’ll see it.

I’ve gone private with healthcare and I’ve got a plan and treatment in place for the neurological problems and also one for the mental health issues. The last fortnight I’ve gone from below rock bottom to feeling some form of normality again. I have a lot of damage to undo tho

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