Dear Trump Protesters,

Dear Trump Protesters,

It has been twenty-four hours since the historic presidential election has drawn to a close and the winner has been determined. Donald Trump is America’s new president-elect. He has met with President Obama, and will meet with a number of the world’s leaders of whom have already released welcome statements and warm invitations. Might I remind you that although you are currently in the streets protesting Trump’s presidency and sovereignty, he did win fair and square. Might I kindly lay forth my opinion and explanation for what I believe is taking place, and why you might wish to leave your pitch forks and torches in the streets and go home; I’m sure Frankenstein won’t come out and play any time soon.

It is well-established that America is a place of free-speech. We are entitled to our opinions and hold the right to tout them as we choose. With great power comes great responsibility. I would hope that this responsibility brings sensibility and maturity as well. For the question has been asked and asked again: “What will I tell my children?” It has been questioned what sort of example we set for our future, and if the world we envisioned for them is the current state of affairs. Another question has been raised, and it is that of bullying, which somehow includes a bevy of racism, a fear for the LGBT community, and for women’s rights. It seems that Trump’s trump card brought with it a slush pile of issues, fears, concerns, and the very essence of human rights.

I have watched over the past six months as social media and news media has become a place where I don’t feel safe. I don’t feel that I can voice any other opinion than that of a Hilary supporter. I have seen my friends endure harsh questionings. I have witnessed and heard of people telling anyone that supports Donald Trump that they should be taken out back and shot. I have been effectively and succinctly silenced. I am keenly aware that my opinion would only bring harsh scrutiny and I would further go on to be viewed as a moron, a lunatic, an outcast. I have not spoken my opinion to anyone in six months. I felt bullied (and continue to feel bullied) by the very people who cry out for light and love and for love to trump hate and for the bullies not to win.

I must say, I am glad that Hilary did not win. I would feel further brow beaten and silenced. Are you even aware that you have been a part of this? Your opinions so strong that it leaves no room for anyone else to have one of their own, let alone the ability to think for themselves? Your peer pressure so intense that I felt rebellious and chose not to vote at all? For celebrities to shove their own opinions down the throats of the average citizen, it should be illegal. It is propaganda that does not ask for our intelligent consideration and to give it thought, but rather becomes another form of peer pressure so that we can feel part of the “cool group.”

Who are the real bullies? What sort of example are you setting?

As for Hilary, herself, I am not blind nor deaf. I have watched silently as she has committed crimes, lied countless times, shown weakness with an illness not fully disclosed, taken bribes and monies from other countries and unknown entities for biases we can only suspect. She has proven to be shady, and will bend to whomever greases her hand with more monies still. She seriously frightens me. Yet, I am also aware that you, supporters, only see that she is a woman and thus stands for your goals. Yet, you focus on my race, gender, and education level as you put me down for not voting for her. In my mind, she stood for the shadiness of government that I did not want to see continue.

The people that I know voted for Trump did so, not because they saw him as a racist or a bigot, but because they saw real change. This is a man with no previous governmental ties or biases, and equates fresh blood in an old establishment that has gone on long enough the way it is.

No one expected Trump to win because his supporters were silenced and spoke the only way they could: by ballot. He won the election fair and square. He deserves a fair shot at the presidency.

My next harsh words come from a place of tough love. I mean well. I don’t care about color of skin or what your background is. We are all human beings. All of us deserve the right to freedom, to have a voice, to love who we desire, to live full lives free from fear. All of us. All lives matter. We are all related, we are family. The human family. Blood is thicker than water, love trumps hate. This is your mantra, have you already forgotten? Love trumps hate. Is that not the legacy we wish for our children?

I am not saying that Donald Trump is perfect, might I remind you I did not cast a vote at all. I have been well informed that somehow my lack of voting equates voting for Trump, which is ridiculous, because that is saying: if you are not with us, you are against us- what that says to me is that there is a mob mentality at play here. For that, I am truly afraid.

This is why I beseech you, dear reader. I beg you to please end the protests. I am afraid that things will turn violent, as there have already been a number of cases where people are lighting things on fire. We must be vigilant that our behavior does not set a poor example for the very ones we wish to protect. Instead, I have a simple solution.

Donald Trump is our president-elect. We must afford him the same respect we would give to Obama. We owe him a fair chance. A chance for him to prove himself to us, because remember, he is untested. I am certain that Trump knows he cannot do anything that would go against the Constitution, nor invoke anything against civil rights. If he did, he would be accountable. It would be our duty to impeach him. The world is watching, as are our children.

It is simple, if he does the very thing you fear, you have a legal right to justice. Might I kindly remind you, he has done nothing to warrant your fear as of this moment. He has not even been given the power to do anything yet. What you are currently doing is fear mongering. You are bullying and fear mongering. And I am afraid of you. I am afraid of what this country will become because short of two-hundred thousand people, our country is split perfectly down the middle. Do we want a civil war? I don’t. I just want to live my life and feel safe and be happy. I am sure you wish this too.

In conclusion, I hope you will take back your power and use it for good. I hope you will consider my words. I strongly suggest that you remember your own mantra of light and love. Love trumps hate. If Trump oversteps, he can be held accountable. But, I hope you will give him a fair chance, because half of the country voted him in. They have lived in silence and felt bullied by the very people who cry foul. Might we perhaps look in the mirror, reflect on our behaviors, attitudes, and actions. May we live together in peace. Blood is thicker than water. We are family. Can’t we hug and make up?

Sincerely and with the greatest of hope,


/r/The_Donald Thread