[Decklists] SCG Modern Classic Top 32 decklists (first big results after unbannings)

hello to all on the thread, pilot of the deck here. As a few have pointed out i went 5-2-1 but conceded my last game during match 3 as we ran out of time to end in a draw. It was the guy with the 11th place grixis deck, he was likely to kill me next turn so it was only fair. So i ended up 5-3 officially. Game 1 i faced affinity, i went 2-0. During match 2 I was attacked by 2 Master of Etherium both 8/8 or so, plus one had a Cranial Plating attached, I dawn charmed and then played Sunblast Angel on my turn. The fog effects are there for moments like that, had i had a path or bolt it would not have saved me. All my removal is in bulk. Game 2 was against Zoo, similar results, i played 2 wrath/day in both games and went 2-0. Game 3 was Jund, i won 2-1 on that one. Liliana was played twice of the three games but she was less dangerous as leyline was out in every single game. Faith Shield countered some of Jund's removal allowing my angels to live and attack. In game 2 he had out 2 Obstinates and a 2/3 Tarm, i had 2 Guardian Seraphs out. I didnt bother blocking, kept swinging for 6 damage per turn as the Tarm did 0 damage to me and the Obstinates did only 2 each. Game 4 was Kikki Chord. Two times he got Kikki and Angel of Restoration on the board, once i Sudden Shocked the Kikki, the other time Linvala was out. Faith Shield protected my angels again from path to exile. Game 5 was Infect, i won this one 2-0. Blood moon on turn 3 won me one of the games, i was at 8 poison counter when i won. The other game i had with Celestial Flare and Sudden Shock. Game 6 was another Infect, I lost this one as he came ready with dispels and spell pierce in the opening 3 turns, countering my celestial flare and blood moon. Game 7 was the UW Gift/Tron deck that placed 15 or 16 i think. I lost that one 1-2 though it was close, he disenchanted my RIP, i faith shielded, he negated, then he played gifts, game over. Game 8 was the one against Grixis. He had me with a continous recycling of terminate via Goblin Dark Dwellers, Snapcaster, and Jace. In the game i was able to play RIP i pulled off a win, it was a very tough deck, and i don't do well with decks that play a lot of counterspells unless i get an early blood moon out.

I have been playing this deck online for weeks, getting in at least a couple hundred games leading up to this. Online i rarely lose to creature based decks. All in all it is a 50-50 deck. I use an excel sheet to keep track. This deck has been in progress for over a year though the previous version played more instant speed spot removal to deal with Twin. This current version was inspired by the need to defend against Eldrazi, hence early fogging, wipe board, drop angels. However since i do not do much till turn 4-5 unless i get blood moon it is hard against UW Control, by the time i play a card they have a handful of counterspells waiting for me. Creatures wise i wanted to play all angels, because 1) they fly and with the current meta generally are not blocked, not a lot of fliers being played and they are big, plus mine either all prevent damage to me, get me life or have some other useful effect like Linvala or Sunblast. I had a previous build with angel of jubilation as i can see her helping a lot, but expected burn to make a comeback with Eldrazi gone as it was the second most played deck before Eldrazi, hence i wanted 4 Guardian Seraphs instead. 2) I like Angels

All in all it was a very fun experience. I stopped playing magic in 2003 and came back at the beginning of 2015 to a whole new world, this deck is the product of many beatings at the hands of tier 1/2 decks and learning how to protect myself or exploit their weaknesses. It has been very fun to use my mind in this way, i am a software developer by trade and this is more challenging to be honest. Any advice is welcome

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