
My brother shared this. He's 26 been to jail twice(2 years each) 8 years probation. Stolen from the entire family(specifically me) bipolar, was (And for all I know still is) addicted to weed, coke, heroin,alcohol,etc. EXTREMELY aggressive if you don't agree with him. Clinical narcissist, schizophrenic, beats the (MY)dog, and...i live with him at my mom's house(I'm 16 btw) so i can't fight back against him because of his (in his own words) "retard strength" he can kick down a new metal lock.(He has before) and knows how to lockpick. My mom always tries to get him put but he always comes back within a month and he guilt trips her into letting him stay again for "just one more week" and the cycle continues. Honestly Fuck it. I just needed to vent a bit on here. This account is not a throwaway because i don't care about him anymore, I was always the one to defend him when him and Mom got in a fight, and when my sister(23) threatened to sue him for stealing from her and i talked her out of taking action, and he's never happy with me, few days ago him and my mom got into a huge argument and then he started blaming me for all his problems because I was the retarded(Asperger's im not brain dead) so I got all the "love" just so dumb right now. I need to find a subreddit that I can vent about this in.

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