Delete your facebook.

  1. This dude could have made this video in a way less annoying manner. I mean holy fuck dude, chill.

  2. I need my Facebook to talk to my friends/family back in Europe, or my father in Iran, or my sister/bae (Different people, despite it being the south-- I assure you) back in Texas.

  3. I only use Messenger on my phone. I never post statuses (Because who the fuck cares when I'm at work or out skating?) or even open the facebook app. I only ever visit my groups and shit from my PC

  4. It's not as though any other website is any better. Instagram does it, gmail does it, youtube does it, hell, the entirety of your Chrome browser collects shit so they can datamine people. Deleting facebook to be more secure, or to protect your privacy is like putting a bandage on a gaping wound that needs stitches when you have 30 other equally severe wounds on your body at the same time. It's useless.

Tbh, I don't care what the government collects on me. If some dude wants to see pictures of my dick, then fucking go for it man. I know it's an unpopular thing to say on Reddit when so many people are so "MUH PRIVACIES!!!" but idk dude, it's just not something I care about. There are way worse things that actually have a direct, negative affect on our lives going on in America that no one gives a shit about, but people lose their shit about a fucking Facebook update. Hey cunt, how about instead of giving a fuck if Facebook collects data on you, you read about how the government is trying to make us slaves to multinational corporations and disguise it as a trade deal? How about you protest the gross amount of police brutality and demand that American officers be held to a higher standard? How about you read about how you're being greatly undervalued as an employee, and are making less than half of what you should be making?


I swear man, this guy and anyone passing this video around can go fuck themselves.

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