Denis Villeneuve Is Right About Marvel

I've said this before but people can have whatever opinion they want on Marvel. That's fine. But what annoys the ever loving shit out of me is people who actively shit on blockbusters as if they're the worst thing to ever happen to cinema. And I'm talking about people in general now.

They're movies fans and directors out there who will get on their knees and preach to you about how important movie theatres are. Tell you that it's the only way to see movies on the first viewing, but then will turn around and shit on the movies that are keeping those movie theatres open and claim they're bad for the artistic integrity. Free Guy, Batman, Godzilla, Uncharted, Marvel, Fast and Furious. These big blockbusters that earn millions of dollars that they claim is hurting the movie industry.

When if it weren't for those movies, Green Knight and The Lighthouse wouldn't have a theatre to play in at all.

/r/marvelstudios Thread