Depression is like wanting to go home but already being there.

It's not just misunderstood by those who never had been through it. My country is really shit on the topic of mental health, if you're not swinging in the corner of the room talking to demons- it's nothing. So many people end up neglecting their own mental health issues, or even of those around them. I could also say some people treat their own body - diseases like that, sometimes they suffer with some kind of pain for years, but suck it up and often go to the doctor when it's critical. I never felt true understanding from any person in my real life ( I get support, but I'm always told to "snap out of my blues". Interesting, while I was in puberty they told me it's just a phase, but puberty is long gone and now what? I was even hospitalised twice, but I guess that doesn't mean anything. One of those times was attempted suicide ), but when I come to reddit it's like some people are describing my toughts and feeling. Thanks for that guys, I feel less lonely in this mess. Sorry for the rant.

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