Der Spiegel claims Cristiano Ronaldo agreed to pay 258.000€ in 2010 to avoid sexual assault case

lol, of course I'm being biased. Everyone is biased all the time and it's not like it never happens, if you count all the gold diggers x actual rapes in pro sport, the former outnumber the second easily. It's just we never hear about them, just a note. When it's a rape we hear about it for years and then for the rest of the players career. Of course I can't be 100% sure, but it's the most sensible I could be given the information." There is no way to be sure, lol. I just hope he didn't rape anyone.

Ronaldo's history - again, IM NOT SAYING HE DID OR DIDNT DO SOMETHING- is pretty clean. Aside from the media bullshit about him and his annoyance in the field ( yah, I'm a big fan but I reckon it's kinda annoying see him argue every decision) he is an absolute great guy. Donates blood, takes care of his son instead of just throwing him to someone. Doesn't drink because of his dad. Still close with his mom. Does charity. No history of sexual violence or domestic violence. Great teammate.

Just one more thing. If he did do something against her, you legit think she would settle for so little ? A rape / sexual assault scandal against the most well known in the world wouldn't just vanish like that. Even if he threatened her.
Well, he might have done it and prove me an idiot but his historic is clean. So what is more probable ( AGAIN HE MIGHT HAVE DONE IT, OR NOT. I DUNNO. YOU DUNNO.) the dude with a cleaner report than 90% of the world have assaulted a random woman or shes just gold digging him?

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