What made you a INTP?

Growing up, I believe I was an ENTP. I became an INTP around 8th grade. I remember just beginning to feel isolated for now particular reason at all. I became more quiet, but could still open up and confidently be myself with people I trusted. But, eventually, I lost my ability to do even that and now I'm always introverted and stuck in my own head, not excluding in the presence of my closest friends and family.

My father is an INTP as well, interestingly.

I think it may have a lot to do with the fact that I went to 10+ different elementary and middle schools, living with a single mother still very heavily involved in a single-woman-in-her-early-20s party life. She had a lot of different boyfriends, so we'd move every few months basically. I never got to settle down and make any meaningful connections with my peers until I was in high school.

I think weed was also heavily involved in making me an INTP. I smoked weed for the first time when I was 13, maybe even 12. I didn't start smoking everyday until I was maybe 14. Around this time is when I began subtracting myself socially. I remember being at a party, we had just smoked, and my friend and approached me and said, "Why're you so quiet? It's making me sad." It was a lightbulb above my head moment for me, because I didn't even realize I wasn't talking. I was just sort of stuck in my head, thinking, not knowing that that action was just going to later become an essential and vital aspect of my personality, whether I was sober or not.

/r/INTP Thread