In a desperate attempt to make money, Reddit has sold film rights for all of the subs. What are some of the movies like?

Screen recorded footage of people browsing reddit

Reddit has over a million users signed in

and over 100,000 subreddits created

Fades to black

But what happens to subreddits when users aren't around?

Ominous sound

/r/Ooer: "Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."

Happy musoc plays

/r/circlejerk: "My mom watches my account but you seem like a subjective comparison."

/r/MURICA: "You're out of the time right now. They should start with a tarp over the average human or overestimating the average U.S. citizen can handle anything."

/r/Awwductional: "Research suggests bats are more than any other extant animal group"

/r/ledootgeneration: "Thank to mr skeltal thank mr Skeltal (thank). thank mr skeltal."

Music stops

Cut to black

But when things goes wrong...

/r/TIFU: "TIFU by burning food in a bad situation and I accidentally allowed my dick pics seen by a SWAT team, police helicopter, and Canine Unit, because I was a game and not the way you'd think"

SWAT Member 1: "Someone's been sending dick pics"

Member 2: "We need to block reddit"

It's up to the subreddits to stop them

Deimorz: "Subreddit bots, MOVE OUT!!!"

/r/Ooer: "oman i dont know!"

Epic music

This summer

/r/teenagers: "Some sites are ban happy..."

/r/smashbros: "You cannot judge a whole community!"

/r/uwotm8: "O shut up u nd dnt giv a shit in yer mum's bak"

/r/creepy: "who the fook comes into contact with the fluke man."

It'll be ban...


or get banned.

/r/fifthworldproblems: "but then I realized I'm a black hole and it's making me heavier."

Go wrecking

/r/montageparodies: "this is not that subreddit."

Or get rekt

/r/NoFap: "dude im going through the post-breakup stage"

Melt steel beams

/r/gonewild: "I'm going in! can i eat your ass all night."

Or melt dank memes

/r/OutOfTheLoop: "It is the type of person who doesn't have heroic qualities)."

/r/4chan: "If I pull out a circlejerk thing."

/r/TumblrInAction: "You will never be an 'equal platform'"

/r/BlackPeopleTwitter: "Whoever did this to Trump, stupid is that?"

/r/circlejerk: "hijacking top comment to say: this. 'what if you win, wouldn't it be weird?'"

/r/MURICA: "I burn the flag of the most powerful men on earth!"

Cut to black

Subreddit Simulator

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