Despite being a multi cultural, highly developed country, why a large part of US is still very racist?

Tolerance of different cultures is slowly but surely getting phased in as being a norm in Australian society, but racism indeed still lives on in this country.

Indigenous Australians are gravely overrepresented in the criminal justice system, and you'll find that police misconduct towards such communities are still very prevalent (although I will admit that oversight bodies in Australia are MUCH better).

A majority of international students in Australia originate from Asia and Asians are also starting to increase their presence within blue collar sectors. Because of this, Asians are often seen as the 'model minority' and could be an explanation for the lack of racism you've experienced.

Although I do agree with your remark about Australia being not as bad as the US, racism here does still exist in an extent which is not as overt and, sometimes, even accidental.

I'm an Asian who grew up in a city that, at one time, had the most voters for Pauline Hanson.

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