Devs where tf are you

I mean... not to compare but I did work on holidays. in a hipster bookstore and strip club back in the days. cause people have free time and they can finally do all the stuff they usually postpone cause too busy. hell, the club I worked in during holidays was loaded! I'd get twice the money daily.

you shouldn't work in entertainment, gamemaking(online), sales and so on if you want to get holidays when white collars have those. holidays is your bread and butter while office workers(majority) has free time and free money.

besides, I don't get the holiday shit. you can have a get together any free day. you can have your own tradition too.

like when I was working, I'd still find time for my loved ones. disregard the time of the year.

it's so pathetic others need a special date to do what you can do any day you have free time.

/r/deadbydaylight Thread Parent