I did the math on how many chances Jim gets before he receives a disciplinary review

In season 3 episode 21 Jim is [SPOILERS] late to work, as such, Dwight administers to Jim a demerit.

"Three demerits and you'll receive a citation,"

"Now that sounds serious"

"Oh it is serious. five violations and you're looking at a violation. Four of those and you'll receive a verbal warning. Keep it up and you're looking at a written warning. Two of those, that'll land you in a world of hurt; in the form of a disciplinary review, written up by me and placed on the desk of my immediate superior."

Since Dwight simply says "Keep it up and you're looking at a written warning." we'll assume that one verbal warning = one written warning.

Chance # of chances Total
Written warning 2 2
Verbal warning 2 4
Violation 8 [4 violations = 1 Verbal Warning x 2] 12
Citation 40 [5 citations = 1 Violation x 8] 52
Demerit 120 [3 violations = 1 citation x 40] 172

Jim gets 172 chances before a disciplinary review is placed on his desk for him to immediately throw in the trash or issue Dwight a desagulation.

/r/DunderMifflin Thread Link - i.imgur.com