Did Mexico throw Canada under the NAFTA bus?

I will disagree with many of your opinions, but i'll also probably agree with many as well. Or, be neutral on opinions I couldn't care less about. I'm not black and white liberal/conservative like this country is becoming. Anybody who subscribes to that team bullshit is a fucking idiot with no thoughts of their own. Whatever the the patriarch/matriarch spews, swallow, goose step, yell "TRAITOR and/or RACIST" whatever suits your argument at the time and repeat.

That being said, I do have a problem with Canada's trade economics. But it's a problem that has been present since our colonial days as a territory of the crown. So be it conservatives or liberals, whatever governments we've had along the way have never rectified it. So they're all shit.

/r/canada Thread Parent Link - cbc.ca