Did your static make it through Midas?

I'm bored and can't sleep, so I'm just going to type this massive wall of text on my phone. Short answer: No, not my original one.

Long answer:

Mine carried over from Gordias, but in December after we had A4S on farm for a few months, the leaders put us on hiatus since the game was (understandably) boring and farming any more meant nothing since relics were I210, Diadem gear was superior, and no one was buying any a3/a4 sales from us, despite us being the only ones selling at the time, and since October at that. This looked kind of bad, some of us were wondering if we were all truly going to come back for Midas, but we did.

We had a lot of issues starting out, like how for instance our MT had a vacation for most of the first week of 3.2 planned months ahead of time, long before when we knew 3.2 was being released. A week before 3.2, our scholar had moved (also planned far before 3.2's announcement). To top it off, that same scholar had issues getting Internet installed at his new place, and played through his phone Internet connection for the first 5-6 weeks or so. Despite all of this, we still at least killed A5S in the first week, but we were below what we expected after getting to A3S in the first week. Once we made it past A6S (about 3 weeks in) our meeting time reduced massively. We met together to raid probably 5-6 hours a week with the exception of the week where we killed A7. Constant complaining about the game from half the members made some not want to play anymore, and once our progression in A8S turned to just 1 lockout a week, the group disbanded.

That was some time in April. We were friends with a lot of people in raiding groups, and I guess you could say it's a little tight knit, the raiding community isn't that big on Balmung. Basically though, other groups were falling apart a little, and the people left of my group who still wanted to raid had merged with some people from other groups. This caused some tension with the people that our new members had left, but it was ultimately their decision to leave and join us. We cleared A8S in less than a week together.

Skipping a lot of details, our new warrior and dragoon had left out of boredom and we spent a couple weeks to fill in, then our bard/mch left because his old group (which broke in Gordias) was reforming. Good bards/mchs are almost non existent on Balmung, but we miraculously found one pretty quickly. Our MT had rl issues that made him have to sit out for like 2 months, but that's all resolved now and he should be back to a normal schedule. Just two weeks ago we got the last spot filled, and now have a full group ready for 3.4.

Now I have to sit here knowing I have high expectations and I'll be a little sad if we don't kill everything in 2 weeks, because I'll be in Vegas for the entire 3rd week of 3.4 for fanfest. D:

/r/ffxiv Thread