The Difference

Yup! Since they aren’t actual* Nazis* so they will deny, gaslight and revise history. I’ve literally never ever encountered a Leftist who didn’t immediately shift blame and point the finger at Right wing Antisemitism. But they wouldn’t dare do that for literally any other form of bigotry. It’s extremely alienating and strange to have the side that’s supposed to be progressive literally gaslight Jews about their own several thousand year history of oppression. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a Leftist say “antizionism isn’t the same as Antisemitism” I could take us all out for ribs. If I had a dollar for everything I heard a Leftist call out rising levels of Antisemitism, I’d have maybe two bucks?

To be fair, I’ve never heard right wingers take accountability for their own Antisemitism and instead point the finger at Leftists. Leftists are supposed to be better and it’s sad that they lack self awareness about their own Antisemitism.

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