Dino Science. Does starving a dino make it tame faster? Find out here!

Hey mate, I absolutely love your work here. I've read up on each Ep, however I'd like to make a suggestion;

The title of this reads, "Does Starving a Dino Make it Tame Faster" and I feel like it should instead read, "Does WAITING Until a Dino is Starved Make it Tame Faster" and here's why:

This experiment showed that WAITING until it was starved before feeding it made no difference from letting it eat from the minute it's knocked out - but doesn't have any relation to actually force starving the Dino.

Consistently force feeding Narcotics, or Stims & Narcotics (Doesn't matter which as proven in Ep 2) will chunk at it's hunger rate, as hunger goes down, it eats more and the more it eats the more it's tamed - effectively cutting down time it takes to tame (I found each berry takes off 7-10 Hunger depending on variables).

So, force feeding the Dino berries to starve it (Which has no relation to whether or not it's fed while being starved, or waiting until it's completely starved) is still effective but - as many of my tribe have argued - when they read the title as "Does Starving a Dino Make it Tame Faster" and found the result was no, they misunderstood and now every time a Dino is tamed for the Tribe, it turns into an argument as they don't want to "waste berries when starving the Dino makes no difference."

TL;DR - Title could be misunderstood, the result shows WAITING until the Dino is starved makes no difference. Force feeding berries and actively STARVING the Dino is still efficient vs not feeding it at all as some people have taken from this experiment. Perhaps you could even do another Ep on Force Starving vs Not Starving to squash any misunderstanding entirely.

/r/playark Thread Link - imgur.com