discovered I have this addiction a year ago

Hey buddy

Porn is very tricky with your brain, it can completely rewire. After a while porn makes your brain believe that it needs. That's why relapse is so easy again and again. However brain can turn back to normal operation in a short period of time without porn and you can stay away from it.

For me that was a very big support that I wrote down why I wanted to remove it from my life and every time when the urge came up, I recalled the why and get motivation from it.

Be persistent and purposeful with your goal. Life is much better without porn.

If you would like to know more about how you can quit porn check our project here - - I believe it could help.

We have a dream about a world with much less porn and much more real love so we created a course and a community to help people like you.

If you have any question about our dream or in general, let me know!

/r/pornfree Thread