Morgana tips

I'm a support main who's been playing a fair bit of Morg lately--With general success too.

I'm sure there will be those who agree with me, but Morg is one of the rare supports whom I actually choose to run the Coin on rather than the Spelltheif. Unlike an AP-based support than can actually do some burst damage like Karma or Lulu, I find that Morg is more utility based. That is, you land your Qs, throw down a pool for kicks, throw the black shield on your carry for protection, and boom. Free kills for your carry. The Qs bind time is devastating enough that you don't really need to "help out" your carry with that extra little bit of AP in the beginning. Later in the game, when you finish the Coin into the Talisman, that speed boost really helps when chasing down fleeing champs--Especially those trying to boost/flash away from your ult.

After you finish your standard support Talisman/Sightstone/Mobis trifecta, go right into Zhonya's. This is, of course, so that you can do Morg's famous flash/boost-right-into-the-enemy-team-ulti-and-zhonya's-wombo-combo. The choice here will be whether or not to start Armguard or Rod. Obviously, the choice comes down to whether or not you feel like you're losing. On the defensive? Armguard. Rocking the house? Get that Rod and start stacking AP. From there it's basically up to you. Sometimes I build Rylai's because it adds to the "tankiness" already partially given by Zhonya's and gives your pool a nice slow. And I mean, 100 AP. That's always nice. Sometimes I'll just go straight into Deathcap if I'm feeling aggressive. If your carry is getting slaughtered by CC I guess you could build the Crucible but as far as I'm concerned, Morg doesn't need it because Black Shield.

As far as laning goes, it's simple. Land Qs. And if you feel like your carry is in danger of CC, use the black shield. Yup.

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