What inspired your username? Let's hear it.

Came up with it while high with a friend. It was one of those high [10] guy moments when I didn't know what to call something. I said use the lazy button. I think I was talking about the microwave. It inspired me so much I decided to write the following that night.

What is a lazy button?

Urban dictionary defines a lazy button as follows:

The act of using the handicapped button when entering a building to open the door instead of using ones own arms. Mostly used when feeling hungover or extremely lazy.

Nick: Use the lazy button so we can enter the building.

Jake: Can do, why would we use the arms god gave us when we can just push a button.

My definition:

Any technology that makes our lives easier, because we are fucking lazy, As in our species, and we are always looking for the greatest and latest Lazy Button.


Internet - "Information at my fingertips!" - (you can't count the number of buttons) Computer - "and this device gets me on this Internet(!)" - (power button) Reddit - "and this information is streamlined!" - (just a mouse click away) AlienBlue - "and there's an app for that!" - (easy touchscreen buttons) iPad - "on my iPad! Sweet! I don't have to get off the couch!" - (one of the best lazy buttons around) Siri - "you mean I don't have to type anymore? I just press this button and talk?"

Microwaves - "you mean I can cook my food in there!" - (count the number of buttons) TV dinners - "and it's already pre-packaged!" Freezer - "hey, that's where my TV dinner is!" Electricity - "that's running my freezer and microwave!" AC current - "Thanks Tesla!"

People have always been making new technologies to improve our lives, new Lazy Buttons. Take for example the wheel, our ancestors were probably saying, "hey, that was so much easier than what I was doing!" (The wheel was one of the earliest Lazy Buttons).

More examples

Plumbing - "Wait! Wait! You're bringing water to my house!?" Car - "I don't have to walk?" "I just push this button and my car starts!?" - For gods sakes! Google has made a car that drives itself! - how is that not a Lazy Button.

Any technology that makes our life easier is a lazy button... And because we are too busy looking for that latest and greatest Lazy Button, the world continues to burn around us, and we're doing nothing about it except complaining.

"Sent from my iPad"

/r/AskReddit Thread