[Discussion]Storytelling thread with rewards!

TFW I have one friend. In college and not making any friends there, homeschooled all my life (except 2nd grade) so I don't know what normal teenagers do besides play video games. Here is the story of my first class in public school since second grade... I wake up at 6am I nervous but on the surface I was pretty much still nervous. Get in car at 6:45 with my sister (She is 14) We go to pick up her friend (I had a huge crush on her and she put me down by talking to my mom and having my mom tell me because reasons I don't know) Pick up sisters friend and start the drive. Math class starts at 8 and we arrive at 7:30 (It's about a 40 min drive especially when a tractor is in front of you for part of the drive) Literally shaking I am so nervous for a real class. (I had done a year of online college already so I already had a general idea of the workload) Standing outside the classroom waiting for the teacher to show up. Hands won't stop shaking. I have no idea how a real classroom works so I am afraid of doing something socially unacceptable. Teacher shows up and students start flooding into the room. I choose a seat in the front right and sit down with my notebook and pencil in front of me. Teacher starts taking role call after talking about syllabus. Calls my name. I respond with a shaky "Hi..." and a faint hand wave. THEN the guy beside me has his name called (We had last names that start with the same letter) I was going to try and be friendly and interact. I attempt to say "Hey, we both have last names that start with F." Instead what came out was: "he start f..." He looked at me like I was retarded or somethinng and I felt retarded as well. After class me my sister and her friend met up after class and told what had happened. My sister had her class cancelled last minute for an unknown reason. A guy asked her if class was cancelled as she was walking away from her class and she said yeah. But it turns out he was talking about a different class. So he went home and missed the first day because of her. And that's the funniest thing I could think of.... Please don't downvote me to hell...

/r/teenagers Thread