Discussion Thread

I voted for bernie in the primary (cuz he is the only one who isn't corrupt and he has good ideas).

me too for the same reasons, but i've since realized hillary wasn't corrupt (read the wikileaks and realize that's the wprst it gets, and its barely anything) and that bernie's ideas contradict the vast economic consensus and would hurt the economy and everyone in it.

I stayed at home for the general because I couldn't justify voting for hillary (ew hillary). I live in Michigan but it isn't my fault Trump won

yes it is.

so stop saying that, it makes me uncomfortable.

you should be uncomfortable, you did something severely immoral.

Anyways back to policy, I support common sense policies that bernie came up with like raising the minimum wage so the corporations pay their fair share

those costs get passed to consumers

These policies aren't socialism it is actually neoliberal because Obamacare was a REPUBLICAN plan.

we like obamacare. bernie wants to eventually scrap it and go single payer, we don't want that. also if soc dem bernie's policies aren't socialism he should stop endorsing socialism in venezuela, cuba and corbyn's labour.

Well just wanted to introduce myself, and wanted to help downvote those trolls who were supporting DINOs like Booker and Harris.

bernie literally is not a democrat.

I know this sub won't vote for Bernie because he is a little left of y'all (but he would be an ancap in Somalia)

somalia isn't socialist or social democratic

so how about we compromise with Tulsi Gabbard!

tulsi is an assad apologist and a lot more shutty things. read the jacpbin piece on her.

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