[Discussion] [vent] stop getting high energy working breeds if youre going to complain about them doing what they were bred for

While this is true to some extend, I feel like it should be added that this is not the case for all workingline or fieldline dogs.

I have a fieldline Labrador, and she absolutely loves hikes and playing good old fetch. Exploring the forest, doing fun little things on the way is something she enjoys more than field training, which she is breed to do in the first place. Yes, she loves her Ball and playing fetch, but when it comes to dummy work she would much rather laze around at home. Trick training is also something she is not motivated in, there is not enough action in most of those tricks anyway -

She is the perfect dog for me, because of this very reason. We walk on weekdays around 3 to 4 hours daily, and if it gets cut a bit shorter we always play fetch. She is a happy dog, that always naps at home, is well behaved and absolutely relaxed!

From my experience with different Labradors (I am a big fan of the breed and know quite some breeders and dogs) a fieldline Lab is much better for me (a person that enjoys hikes more than any competitive obedience or trick training, any strict dummy/field training) than a standard Labrador, that is a) a lot less sporty (in German they are rather bulky and more on the lazy side, I call it the couch potato genetics) and also not so owner focus. A fieldline Lab is much more on the sensible side, which is exactly what I need because I am a softie myself and this is reflected in my whole handling of my dog.

So there is a lot more about fieldline/workingline than just the bloodline they originate from - There is the individual dog, then there is the way they grew up, there are different traits that come with the breeding-purpose of work (like the sensible side of the Labrador, as well as the more owner focused behavior).

When I got here tho, I intended to do more dummy work and sports, but we both did not enjoy it. After a couple lessons at our "dummy guru" in Germany (I even moved to a different town for a couple month for it), she showed discomfort and did not want to get even near a dummy, and I did not enjoy it at all as well.

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