Disillusioned by identity politics and third wave feminism?

I'll preface this by saying I'm a gay male, grew up as a Muslim but don't identify with the religion anymore, part of an ethnic minority, and born in Canada.

It's funny. Maybe the next time you're going to rant about identity politics, essentially calling them out, and denigrating what it brings to the table... perhaps leaving out your own identity won't make you look so much like a hypocrite. Is it just me?

I got the impression that identity politics began to triumph class issues in leftist movements,

Triump, lol! We will always need more feminism, which entails more equality and as a matter of fact constant vigilance. Concentrate on abolishing class all you want, doesn't change the cold hard fact that the pay gap, at least in what I know in the west, it's essentially been frozen in time for the last 30, 40 yrs. Its such an insult to say: "shut up for the here and the now while you are a wage slave, your particular exploitation will just have to wait." Fuck that shit. Pushing for social revolution is always at the forefront of my agency personally, doesn't change the fact of the struggle, recognizing the inter-sectional aspects of oppression, and highlighting these realities and pushing in that realm when the time is right. . Linking the oppressed by solidarity is the only solace in our striving for emancipation, not only for inter-labor/trade or internationally. And what are you really talking about when you say "triumph" within leftist movements? Occupy, arguably the most notorious, global, recent movement: was it "plagued" by identity politics? It would be quite a stretch to say so. What about the black lives matter movement, although not explicitly leftist, it's got a bunch of afro-feminists and queers at the forefront, should we not acknowledged them? And what would be your gripe with them doing so? To me that's the beauty of intersectionality and being a good accomplice in the struggle (which can sometimes exemplify itself in selflessness).

that those concerned with identity politics and modern Western feminism are not concerned with dismantling the current economic structure but with finding how to fit within it

That's just an anecdote or in other words your own personal life experience. Take for example, in the same line mentioned of the black lives matter movement, or say black twitter just to make a case, which as a large feminist demographic in my humble observation on the matter, well it is my humble experience, just as anecdotal as yours, that dismantling the current economic strucure, radical critisims of capitalism at least, is very prevelent. It's like you wan't people to rally behing your ideals, for them to be good comrades, but what about reterning the favor, when it comes down to it you're just a shitty ally, that's what I get from this. Take for example coming from a place of privilege like Canada, as a whole, or even your being privileged as a male, you can't even find the compassion to use your social power to elevate others voices, all you got is some hating:

, and until I got the impression that it almost seemed that these people find some sort of pleasure in victimhood.

Case and point, that's insulting as fuck. Claiming the oppressed, that is the victims of let's say misogyny, enjoy their oppression, that's some twisted line of thinking. How would you respond if you heard people say that about queer folk, that they have a victim complex?

In light all the 'intersectional' identities I prefaced this post with, I don't feel like a victim.

Doesn't matter if you either personally don't feel cheated, or that economic oppression predominates from whatever perspective... Take for example a small glimpse, a tip of the iceberg kinda metric... police reported hate crimes in Canada: 50% are motivated by race, 30% by religion, and 13% by sexual orientation...

Now perhaps you have been lucky and haven't experienced oppression due to being homosexual or of a Muslim background, or maybe you have and just don't think it's a big deal... I don't know, but that's your personal lived experience... Morgan Freeman when he says, "lets stop talking about race, it'll go away", boiled down to its essence it's essentially the same line of thinking. "Keep your identity on the back-burner!" all the while you cannot ignore the force of those social constructs no matter how hard you try. It's the equivalent of blocking your ears but even worst, you're basically shushing over everybody telling them their concerns aren't real.

Moreover I find a major double-standard of the left. From my observations I have coined the term, "cult of the underdog" amongst some group of leftists, which is a tendency by leftists to "side" with those in a particular conflict with the least amount of power in opposition to the party with the greatest amount of power.

What you discount as a cult is really crucial allyship/comradeship and basic solidarity, then you wonder why we call you out as a brocialist.

The cult of the underdog and its associated identity politics quite often take precedent over other ideals such as liberty, equality, justice, etc. when set in conflict.

Yeah, give me concrete examples.

I consider the left's reluctance to criticize oppressive behavior of "marginal" groups (in this case Islamic fundamentalists) to be case in point.

Whoa, whoa I think you're conflicting us with liberals, and also let me make an assumption here, my money on you being a new-atheist type and I'm pretty confident that you think in your little mind that you can liberate others as opposed to them liberating themselves, but hey prove me wrong.

I think there's also a tendency to want to disagree with those who identify as "right-wing", despite what is being said. I think this tendency needs to be identified or it will create other unintended problems.

Trololol, you're more than your usual concern troll, aren't you, are you really saying for us to be conciliatory with the right? WTF.

Any thoughts or opinions?

All and all, essentially fuck you!

/r/socialism Thread