Doctors of reddit, what patient made you go "How the fuck are you even alive"?

Similar thing happened with my mother. Ended up in the ICU with severe liver failure, jaundiced to hell, for a while it was looking like she'd need a liver transplant. After the better part of a month in the hospital, she came out mostly unscathed and was better for a little bit, but a month later she was back to her old self. My father continues to buy her wine, and I don't blame him one bit because the alternative is her driving out and getting it herself. The last time she did that, she cake back empty-handed and claiming she left her wallet at the liquor store. When my father drove there to pick it up, they said they'd never seen her. It was absolutely crazy. Addiction is a hell of a beast and sometimes there's no real solution. You can't help someome who doesn't have the slightest interest in recovering.

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