Does anybody claim to be spiritually connected to their exBPD?

I’m an atheist (or secular Jew), so God and spirituality aren’t my thing, but I understand energy, and the answer, for me, is yes.

For instance, I’d have a bad feeling creep over me out of nowhere and a picture of him would flash in my minds eye. I went to his FB and found he made a public post, which he never does, about him wanting to go to the Netherlands to be euthanized from severe depression and chronic pain. (What I now realize was a hoover for my attention, followed by further devaluation.)

He is notoriously known for intermittently blocking me on FB. One time, I was getting ready to go out for the evening and was listening to a playlist on my Spotify. It played a random song that wasn’t in my playlist called “Mint Green” - a color I associate with him because I have chromesthesia and his voice translated to that color. I looked to see if he had unblocked me. Sure enough, there was his profile and I had been unblocked just hours from checking it last. Another time after being blocked for months, I woke from a dream on a camping trip that was about him. Turned on FB, he had unblocked me. Had a dream his mother was ill, texted him to ask if everything was okay, and later found out she was ill.

I have so many examples of this. I don’t think it’s a trauma bond; I’ve experienced this in healthy long-term relationships. The more time we spend with the people we’re in love with, the more connected we become. It’s all energy. It cannot be destroyed but given enough time it will fade - most likely.

Just know that you’re not alone.

/r/BPDlovedones Thread