Would anyone else’s pwBPD claim to not love anyone ever again then immediately start talking to someone new?

Part of what is helping me through a rough time right now is knowing that whoever she finds her new "supply" from, is going to suffer just as much as I did.

See, at first I was thinking "oh god, she'll find someone else and they'll be perfectly matched for each other and live happily ever after, fuck, I'm gonna lose my shit if I see pictures or anything!"

But then I realized, no, she'll find someone else and for the first three months, poor dude is going to be thinking "How did I get so lucky? Wow, the last guy she dated really sounds like a fucking idiot, why would anyone let this girl go?" And yeah, seeing pictures (or hearing about) that will hurt, but knowing that behind that guy's smile is a scared, defeated, dead-inside shell of a man, is going to really ease that pain.

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