a quality you love about your PWBPD

I liked how he liked to watch movies without talking and generally liked silence. He let things calm him without putting words to it, like watching sports for the fluttering movement of the players until he felt sleepy. I liked his sharp sense of humour and how he’d made a really good joke at an unexpected time. I liked how disciplined he was. I like how dependent and on time he was to our dates. I liked how he communicated things most people don’t, like randomly telling me that he was walking home from work, or asking me if i was lonely. I liked how he put effort into his appearance. I liked how he chose restaurants carefully. I liked how he taught me to drive and was so calm and encouraging even when I ran a red light. I liked how dedicated he was to his craft and fully lost himself in the moment. I liked how he cooked. I liked how he held his job. I liked how he laughed at my jokes. I liked how he remembered little details about me and surprised me with them. I liked how we joked about people on tv. I liked how he had childlike wonder. I liked how he dried his shirts on his kitchen chair. I liked how he had a bookshelf full of interesting books. I liked how he chose his words carefully, I liked how his voice was soothing.

/r/BPDlovedones Thread