Does anyone else have or know how to fix this problem with Eclipse 2 being pitch black? (iOS 8.1.1)

7-zip (POSIX) - 4.57-3p [Theme] Dragonforce DLC - 1.1 Activator - 1.9.1 AlbumArtCenter - 3.0.0-50 Alkaline - 1.3 Android Holo Loading Spinner - 1.0.1 Android Kit Kat Signal Bars and Battery - 1.0 Android KitKat Status Bar - 1.1-1 Android L - 1.2.1 AppInfo - 1.6.2 AppList - 1.5.9 AppSync Unified - 5.3-1 APR (/usr/lib) - 1.3.3-2 APT 0.6 Transitional - 1:0-23 APT 0.7 (apt-key) - APT 0.7 Strict - APT 0.7 Strict (lib) - Aria - 1.1.5-1 Azura - 1.1 Bariol Font iOS 8 - 1.6 Base Structure - 1-4 BatteryLife - 1.5.7 Berkeley DB - 4.6.21-4p BigBoss Icon Set - 1.0 Bourne-Again SHell - 4.0.44-15 BYA Repo Icons - 2.1.8 BytaFont 2 - 2.3.1 bzip2 - 1.0.5-7 CallBar (iOS 7 & 8) - 0.8-10-55 Carla iOS 7 & 8 - 2.1 CCBackground - 1.3-1 ClassicDock - 1.1-8 ColorBadges - 1.0.5-4 ColorBar - 1.0-1 ColorPads 3 - 1.0 Core Utilities - 8.12-12p Core Utilities (/bin) - 8.12-7p CrashReporter - 1.8.3-1 cURL - 7.38.0-1 Cydia Installer - 1.1.16 Cydia Substrate - 0.9.5101 Cydia Translations - 1.1.12 Cylinder - Darwin Tools - 1-4 Debian Packager - 1.14.25-9 Debian Utilities - 3.3.3ubuntu1-1p Diff Utilities - 2.8.1-6 diskdev-cmds - 421.7-4 Dragonforce DLC - 1.2 Droidy Alkaline - 1.0.2 Eclipse 2 (iOS 8) - 2.1.1 Emoji Twitter Theme - 1.0 enkel - 1.0.4 file-cmds - 220.7-3 Find Utilities - 4.2.33-6 Fizz - 1.4 Flat Tailed Messages - 1.0 FlatIcons - 2.2 Flex 2 - 1.950 FlipControlCenter - 1.0.1~beta3 Flipswitch - 1.0.6~beta1 GIFViewer - 1.0.2-3 GNU Privacy Guard - 1.4.18-1 grep - 2.5.4-3 groovyAPI - 1.0.4 GroovyLock - 1.7.3 Gunnii theme - 1.3 gzip - 1.6-7 HASHBANG Productions Common - 1.1 HideMe8 (iOS 8) - 1.0.2-1k HomescreenDesigner - 1.2.2-5 HYI Repo Icons - 8.0.1 iCleaner Pro - 7.3.2 IconBundles - 0.2-1 Iconoclasm - 1.10 IconSupport - 1.9.4-2 iFile - 2.2.0-1 IMN for iOS 8 - 0.14-2 InfoStats - 1.1.2 insanelyi Setup - 1.5-22 iOS Firmware - 8.1 IPA Installer - 3.22 IPA Installer Console - 3.1-1 iPhone Firmware (/sbin) - 0-1 iWidgets - 1.2.3 Jetslammed - 1.0 JODebox - 1.3-1 KG Corner of the Sky Font - 1.0 Kvasir - 1.4 libcrashreport - 1.0.2-1 libhide - 2.4.1-1 libpackageinfo - 1.0.0-1 libstatusbar - 1: libsymbolicate - 1.8.0-1 LinkStore for iOS 8 - 1.2 LinkTunes for iOS 8 - 1.3-3 LocalIAPStore - 1.4-1 Lock Screen Tool - 2.0-1 LZMA Utils - 4.32.7-4 MessageHeads - 2.0.0-1 mikoto - 2.6.2-1 Mocha for iOS - 1.3.3a Motivational Quotes iWidget - 1.0 Muli Font - 1.0 NCObey - 1.1.0-1 New Curses - 5.7-13 NiceTime iWidget Clock - 1.0.2 Nitrous - 2.5-5 NoNewsIsGoodNews - 1.0.1 OpenSSL - 0.9.8zc-11 OS X Dock for ClassicDock - 1.1.1 PAM (Apple) - 32.1-3 PAM Modules - 36.1-4 Pangu 8.0-8.1.x Untether - 0.4 Pangu Loader for iOS - 1.2.0 pcre - 8.30-5p Phantom for Snapchat - 4.0.0-1 pincrush - 0.9.2-1 Platinum - 1.1.1-1 Poof - 5.0 PreferenceLoader - 2.2.2 PreferenceOrganizer 2 - 2.5.1-1 Priority Hub - 1.3.3-1 Profile Directory - 0-2 RASBerry - 1.1-1 readline - 6.0-7 Repo Icon - 1.3 RocketBootstrap - 1.0.2 Roomy - 1.0 Safari Downloader+ - 3.4-1 San Francisco iOS8 - 1.0 SaveGram - 1.2-1 SBHTML - 1.2.4 SBPowerAlert - 8.1-68 sed - 4.1.5-7 shell-cmds - 118-6 Springtomize 3 (iOS 7 & 8) - 1.3.0-4 statusvol - 0.2.1-6 StoreAlert - 1.0.1 Substrate Safe Mode - 0.9.5000 SwipeSelection Pro - 0.9.6-1 syslogd to /var/log/syslog - 1.1.0 system-cmds - 433.4-12 Tap Tap Reloaded - 2.0 Tape Archive - 1.19-8 TechSupport Framework - 1.2.0-1 ToneEnabler - 1.1-7 TypeStatus - 1.2.1 UIKit Tools - 1.1.9 unBold - 1.0.1-2 unrar - 3.6.8-2p Untrusted Hosts Blocker - 3.2.3 unzip - 5.52-5p Upscale - 0.0.2-5 Vertex - 2.0.2-1 WeeLoader - 1.4-3 WiFried (AWDL Disable) - 0.4 WinterBoard - 0.9.3918 Zelda Respring Logos - 1.1 Zeppelin - 2.0.2 zip - 2.32-5p

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