Dolmen Wayshrine Equality

A) do you know how annoying that would be to the majority? Very.

That's your subjective opinion; my suggestion wouldn't inconvenience the playerbase whatsoever, unless you find additional Wayshrines inconvenient, in which case there's nothing I could say to possible convince you otherwise.

B) that would take time, resources and an update for something that no one would profit on (well, except you).

Everything takes time and resources, including me responding to your baseless, subjective comments that serve no purpose other than to allow you to feel good about yourself for a brief moment. This isn't about me profiting. Go into Malabal Tor, or Stonefalls, or Reaper's March and try to find a group of players running Dolmens. Chances are, you won't.

That will ALWAYS be popular because it is a popular area to be in.

It's a popular area because it's a starting area, and because the Dolmen is next to a crafting station for ease of decon/ selling. Again, popularity is determined by convenience. By making other Dolmens equally convenient you give players the choice of where to grind Dolmens.

If you're so hellbent on responding without thinking, I believe /r/The_Donald is looking for new recruits over on Voat.

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