Domestic Violence and Anarchism (And also abolition)

It might be hard, but being free dosnt make problems easy to solve, it is simply the best way to live while solving them.

There are more than a few charities and organisations which focus on protecting victims of domestic violence and facilitating moving them away from their abuser. In an egalitarian world ideas like mutual aid should become second nature, so rending assitance to those in need is kind of our thing. And again this is kind of an argument against systems - People are very good at responding to injustice infront of them, much less so when removed from seeing it, its kind of why poorer people are more likly to give to charity, and why people who you know to be good loving people vote for rightwing economic policies.

I will also say that DV is one of the few things where I will bend from my principles and advocate for involving the police and justice system, because as you point out there are cases of complete psychopaths tracking their victims down accross the country, and sod it, if someones life is indanger you weigh your options. This may make me an outlier but I'll take it.

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