I don’t get the frustration

I totally get the frustration, and some of it does feel justified I just feel like if you read the tea leaves better in everything concerning games in the past how ever many years and all the other rpgs that have existed this isn’t beyond the expectations I had. I wanted a rpg that wasn’t Skyrim, wasn’t rdr2 western, and not a fan of fallout world and lore. If I keep my expectations of what most of those games have inside them such as NPC ai which has largely been the same for 20 years that I couldn’t go far wrong expecting a cyberpunk rpg of that caliber. So far I’ve been having a blast, maybe that’ll change the more I play, maybe not.

I hope some of the things that others are frustrated over get assessed. I’d like a better game for everybody, but this game is clearly an example of marketing doing what it’s supposed to do to get as many sales as possible. Screw people’s expectations etc.

/r/cyberpunkgame Thread