I don't think these guys actually like movies lol

I'm not saying that AI tools are going to replace artists and creative directors, I'm saying that they're going to replace the majority of the labor force which are on set for their manual labor or their knowledge, both of which are at risk.

I wonder for how many industries this will prove true for? I wonder how many people will have to be out of a job in an economy where everything you need to live like food water and housing is priced gouged before serious change actually occurs?

Or I wonder if society will adapt enough and there will be enough service style jobs to continue the status quo. There's already tons of bullshit jobs out there and but with corporations at their strongest and greediest in a long time and unions at their weakest (coming back though!) I wonder if they'll just continue pushing people into poverty without care until the population just breaks.

Normally I would hope some form of the status quo would be enough but with climate disaster at our doorstep if not through the mantle

/r/Filmmakers Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it