Most complicated camera move yet

get critique

Dude. “Dull ego stroking” isn’t a “critique” worthy of sharing on an amateur filmmaker forum on a post about someone making a challenging film. I get it. You can’t stop being butt hurt that someone doesn’t just acquiesce to your bullying, but you’re just making yourself look foolish now.

I don’t really give a shit that you’re so butt hurt you literally went through my post history to find rationalization for your feelings. Unless you stalked me for being annoyed that I made some sarcastic comment about a post you made about Seattle or about the environment or something.

I fully expect you will be stalking me further and eager to downvote the next post I make here just to spite me at this point. I have no idea what else you think you’re doing, but it certainly isn’t any kind of criticism anyone sane would label as “constructive.”

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